Audio Search Results

Mojo Nixon
"Whiskey Rebellion"
1. I'm Wanna Kill My Wife Tonight
2. Just a Little Favor for the Kinkster
3. Kinky Is Everywhere
4. World Cup '94
5. Christians I Hate 'Em
6. Can't Find My Keys
7. Ain't Got Nobody
8. What's Up Judge Judy's Ass
9. Dr. Laura Who Made You God
10. Prinoner of the Tiki Room
11. Promised Land II
12. You Gotta Be Insane to Fly In Small Private Planes
13. I Gotta Connect
14. Arctic Evil Knievel-Luge Team Song
15. Apartment Zero
16. I Ain't Gonna Piss in No Jar - Rat Music
17. I Don't Want No 'sparagus