
I want to watch her glide
As she keeps me by her side
She’s a carnival in progress
That I’m part of

Oh yes it’s overkill
I am drowning in her thrills
She’s a carnival in progress
That I’m part of

Even if she thinks that I’m a clown
The ridicule won’t bring me down
Cause this funhouse is exactly where I wanna be
But I think she treats me well
If she doesn’t I couldn’t tell
I’m an underneath her spell and in a daze

Sometimes it’s bright and loud
But I’m relaxing on a cloud
Swinging high above the crowds on a trapeze
If I fall no one can catch me
She’s the only one who gets me
I’m drunk on her confetti either way

I want to watch her glide
As she keeps me by her side
She’s a carnival in progress
That I’m part of

Maybe I’m the freak show
Please don’t tell me if you know
I think all this amusement has me spinning
We’ve played all the games
When I almost walked away
But with you I have the prize I wasn’t winning

I want to watch her glide
As she keeps me by her side
She’s a carnival in progress
That I’m part of

I’ll follow her around
when she hits the next town
She’s a carnival in progress
A carnival in progress
A carnival in progress that I need
Written by: Steven Gullett
Year: 2021.27
Performed by: Solo
Recordings: Rough Demo
Chords: 86 BPM A D G Em G A G D Bm G D Bm Em G G A G D Bm Em G Em D Bm G A G D Bm Em A (A7)