
I don't know why I will hang with you tonight
Another sign that I never do what's right
I will always hear you when you're down
I am always near you when you drown

Seems the longer I am closer to you
the better chance I have to get pulled down
Don't pull me down

I will help from a distance when I can
But I can't be there cause you try to reel me in

I will always heal you when you frown
I am always near you when you drown

Seems the longer I am closer to you
the better chance I have to get pulled down
Don't pull me down

I'm still here for the favors you must ask
If there's no one left you can try to call me last

I don't know why I will hang with you tonight
Another sign that I never do what's right
I will always hear you when you're down
I am always near you when you drown

Seems the longer I am closer to you
the better chance I have x3

…to get pulled down
Don't pull me down
Written by: Steven Gullett
Year: 2013.04
Performed by: ?
Recordings: Rough Demo
Chords: A addD D E D / D A E F# / A B C# D E / E D