
Never go to war with nostalgia
It’s a battle you’re sure to lose
All this talk about what we lost
It always gives me the blues

So wind me down
Put me back up on the shelf
I’ll never be brand new again no, no

So wind me down
Put me back from where I came
I’ll never be brand new but one day maybe

I might be vintage
I will be vintage
We might be vintage
We will be vintage is we (can) outlast them all
Written by: Steven Gullett
Year: 2020.70
Performed by: Solo
Chords: Em G Em G A D B5 Bm G A G Em x3 G A DDDD AB DDDD AB GGG DDDD AB DDDD AB G Gmaj7 G Gmaj7 G A7 002030 004050 007070 Verse? Em G B5 A 146 BPM