SUGGESTIONIZE Invisible slights Sleepless nights Suggestionize Suggestionize Addition & Subtraction Games of inaction Suggestionize Suggestionize I roll with punches because the punches don't care what I think It's hard to find what matters when there's so much of everything I roll with punches because the punches don't care what I think Fragile Spirits Everyday Sadists Suggestionize Suggestionize We are not fiction proof Oh do easily fooled Suggestionize Suggestionize I roll with punches because the punches don't care what I think It's hard to find what matters when there's so much of everything I roll with punches because the punches don't care what I think Got an unpleasant feeling Like the devil is dealing Suggestionize Suggestionize Jackals and hounds No points for the rebound Suggestionize Suggestionize The clock is always ticking On these things we're missing Middle Class morality Punk drunk love is fine with me I roll with punches because the punches don't care what I think Written by: Steven Gullett
Year: 2022.17 Performed by: Steven Gullett Recordings: Logic Chords: Em C G G Em C G Am Am Am G F C G F D D G F C F Am G G |