
Can't believe
The things I've seen in my heart for you
Are vanishing

Do what you're told
I put you on a pedestal
But I have to let you go

I know you want to get there
But it will take some time
This episode is over
And you feel so far behind

Are so unkind
Sometimes in my mind
I got my way and you were mine

You got your wish
It's so delicious the ways we miss
Like ornaments

I know you want to get there
But it will take some time
This episode is over
And you feel so far behind

Things don't seem the same
Now we go by different names
It was dynamite fidelity
I was hesitant to set it free

Can't believe
The things I've seen in my heart for you
Are vanishing
Written by: Steven Gullett
Year: 2024.55
Performed by: Solo
Recordings: Rough Demo, Video Demo
Chords: C Em F Dm C G F Dm G Am C F G Am C F Dm G