
The closer I get
The further you go

Calm up top
But what's below

The closer I get
The further you go

The more you explain
The less I know

And it's long
In a twilight sleep
With a head full of smoke
And the chemical leaves
I'll be on my own
So I carry the weight
But don't let it show

The more I complain
The more you let go

I'm a downbound train
And I have you in tow

The more I complain
The more you let go

With a rush hour brain
And a heart to show

And a song
In a twilight sleep
With a head full of smoke
And the chemical leaves
I'll be on my own
So I carry the weight
But don't let it show
Like the secrets you keep
And the oats you sew
What I try to believe
Though I'm never shown

The closer I get
The further you go
Written by: Steven Gullett
Year: 2022.64
Performed by: Solo
Recordings: Logic
Chords: 3rd fret F C Em G C Am Dm G Em Am Dm Gb 126 BPM or 124