
Trying to hold back my vinegar
Let my honey flow
Gonna relearn the good side
My bad has stole the show

There’s a monster in me
And he wants to break free

Everybody's going through something
Sometimes it has a name
I'm trying to keep moving forward
You're trying to hold me back where I came

There’s a monster in me
And he wants to break free

Welcome to the wolf hour
He says, I’m calling your bluff
Been under low power
But now I’m feel it get tough

Me and my aggression
Have a terrible confession

We were circling the end of the day
Where we run out of things to say
Around this time of night
Is the worst round of the fight
I don’t know wrong or right
Now the best bet is on hindsight
Written by: Steven Gullett
Year: 2022.67
Performed by: Solo
Recordings: iPad